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 You are powerful.

God has a dream for your life. You were not made to be small. You were designed for freedom, for victory, for impact. You were designed to bring heaven to earth. Become equipped for the adventure today.


As disciples of Christ, we are meant to be light bearers and hope bringers. We are meant to bring the presence and power of God to a world that desperately needs Him.

This cannot be done by diminishing who we are.

God has placed in you a unique facet of His glory that is needed on this earth. You, my friend, are needed — in the fullness of who He’s created you to be. It’s time to step into your greatness.

If you feel God’s invitation to something “more” welling up inside you, we are here to help launch you forward.



We are two Catholics who are simply in love with the Lord and passionate about His Kingdom. We believe everyone carries greatness, and we’re eager to see Jesus get his full reward: a free and fully alive YOU. To that end, we offer resources and training to help you step into the fullness of your identity and mission.


Where to Begin

How about with some encouragement? Sign up here to receive a free 5-part email series to help you embrace the glory and calling that God has placed inside of you.


¿Qué tal con un poco de ánimo? Regístrate aquí para recibir una serie gratuita de 5 correos electrónicos que te ayudará a abrazar la gloria y el llamado que Dios ha puesto dentro de ti.


 Ready to dive in?

Check out the resources below to help further your spiritual growth. We’d be honored to join you on your journey.



Deepen your connection with the Lord and develop your spiritual gifts through personal interactive training online.



Group Training

Help your community grow in the practicals of prayer and missionary discipleship by hosting a workshop, small group study, or group training event.



Enrichment Resources